“Celebrating Life: an Arts Series” is a program adapted for older adults from Mia’s Art Adventure program, a program designed for school age children. The goals of Celebrating Life are to offer older adults the opportunities to 1) learn about art, 2) establish an emotional connection with art, and 3) find relevance for art in their own lives. Celebrating Life values critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, curiosity, inclusivity and diversity, empathy, respect and kindness, lifelong learning and reflection. Three trained Minneapolis Institute of Art Adventure guides, one of whom is a geriatric social worker experienced in group work, lead two educational sessions using full-color poster reproductions of works of art from Mia’s collections, followed by a visit to Mia to view the real works of art. Our seniors had an awesome time on their field trip! Enjoy the pictures below.
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Every year we pair up the 4th graders from a local school with seniors in our service area to be pen pals. They write back and forth all school year and get to know each other. In May, the 4th graders walked over to the Como by the Lake Apartments and they did a craft with their senior pen pal and had root beer floats. This year the kids also brought along their recorders and treated us to a concert! It was such a fun afternoon and a great way to celebrate the end of the school year. We have done traditional chair yoga for the past couple years with great success. It's challenging and forces us to slow down and relax. Dianne Hansen is a certified Laughter Yoga teacher and she came in to do a demo class. Laughter Yoga combines interactive laughter exercises with deep centering breaths and calming movements. Laughing is an easy way to strengthen all immune functions, bring more oxygen to the body and brain, foster positive feelings and improve interpersonal skills. It was such a workout and we had a great time doing it! |
Annie Mueller, Executive Director Categories
June 2020